Teknopark Başvuru Formu

YTÜ Yıldız Teknopark'ta yer almak için ön başvurunuzu bu sayfadan gerçekleştirebilirsiniz. Lütfen aşağıdaki formu eksiksiz olarak doldurunuz.

YTÜ Yıldız Teknopark Başvuru Formu
Company Name
Tax Administration
Tax ID Number
Company Establishment Year
Applicant Name and Surname
Applicant Telephone Number
Applicant Email Address
Project Name

Project Sector Yazılım (Software)
Makine Ekipman İmalatı (Machine Equipment Manufacturing)
Sağlık/Kimya (Health/Chemistry)
Telekomünikasyon/İletişim (Telecommunications/Communication)
Sürdürülebilirlik (Sustainability)
Diğer (Other)
Software (Field)
If other, please specify.
Briefly describe your project.

Does the product to be produced as a result of the project have patent, utility model and industrial design potential? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If any, please explain.

Is it planned to receive academic counselling in project processes? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If yes, in which areas do you need counselling?

Does the company have any national/international funded or ongoing projects? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If yes, please write the details.

Does the company have a plan to develop a project at international level? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No

Does the company have licences and certificates? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If any, please explain.

Are there any awards that you have received? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If any, please explain.
Write the turnover of the company for the last year.

Do you have export income? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If available, please write the amount of exports in the last year.
What is the number of customers billed last year?
Where is the campus you would like to locate in YTU Yıldız Technopark?
How much m² do you want to rent?
What is the number of personnel to take part in the projects in the Technopark zone?

Have you been in a different technopark before? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
Write down your operating expenses for the previous year.

Do you have any offices abroad? Evet - Yes
Hayır - No
If you have an office abroad, please write the location information.


Tax Certificate
Trade Registry Gazette
Income Statement and Balance Sheet for 3 Years (Corporate Tax Return)
Company No Debt Letter (SGK)
Company No Debt Letter (Tax Administration)
You can upload certificates and licences of the company to this field.
Company and Project Presentation
Company Valuation Report, if available
Independent Audit Report, if available
Paid-in Company Capital
I have read and accept the clarification text.
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